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Materials & Methods


Discussion & Conclusion



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"Characterization Of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin In Orthopedics Postoperative Patients"



INTRODUCTION: The existence of a tissular injury and/or acute inflammation it's characterized by high alterations ina serum values of a certain number of a hepatic derived proteins: APR or APP ( Acute Phase Reactans or Acute Phase Proteins ). Alpha 1 antitrypsin ( A1AT ) is a highly polimorphic protein in the group of Alpha 1 Globulins with an electrophoretic motility of 5'42 and a molecular weigh of 45000.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate of the usefulness of the determination of A1AT in Orthopedics Postoperative Period ( First 6 days in comparison with Preoperative Control ).

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Materials and Methods

PATIENTS: Serum samples were obtained from 22 patients with Pathology that required Orthopedics Surgery of both sexes and of 19 to 77 years of age, with non-infective and non-immunologic pathology, and untreated at the moment of the study.

METHODS: The A1AT values were obtained by quantitative determination in the ARRAY system of Proteins by rate Nephelometry. The Statistics analysis of the results it's processed by BMDP ( 1D,7D ).

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postop day   PATIENTS WITH FEVER   ( X+/- S) 
1°           313'333               +/-69'529 mg% 
2°           367'000               +/-24'515 mg% 
3°           400'000               +/-13'000 mg% 
4°           392'333               +/-14'503 mg% 
5°           382'000               +/- 6'557 mg% 
6°           359'000               +/-14'000 mg% 


postop day   PATIENTS WITHOUT FEVER   ( X +/- S)
1°           209'895                  +/-45'907 mg% 
2°           286'474                  +/-49'354 mg% 
3°           305'632                  +/-54'790 mg% 
4°           319'482                  +/-61'461 mg% 
5°           304'474                  +/-59'178 mg% 
6°           290'947                  +/-58'308 mg% 

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Discussion and Conclusion

DISCUSSION: Cytoquines have been implicated as pivotal mediators of the host defense reaction. In patients undergoing surgery we investigated the relationship between such mediators and postoperative host defense responses. IL-6 seems to be a major endogenous mediator of fever and the acute-phase response. The presence of endotoxin might be synergistic but is not obligatory for the host defense response after surgical trauma. And that, it's probably the reason of increase in A1AT values in the patients with fever including in absence of endotoxin.

CONCLUSION:The values of A1AT in the 6 First Postoperative days it's correlated with the Body Temperature, and it's high in the patients with fever ( 368'944±10'585 mg% ) to compare with patients without fever ( 286'210±47'409 mg% ) and their differences were highly significant p less than 0'001 ( p<0'001 ).

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  1. RODRIGUEZ MORENO, MR Acute Phase Proteins in the Postoperative Period of the Orthopedics Surgery. Tesis Doctoral. April 1994. Faculty of Medicine. University of Granada.
  2. Dinarello, CA; Wolff,SM. Production of fever and its effects on the host. Klin. Wochenschr. 1982 Jul 15, 60(14). P727-730.
  3. Diaz ,J; Arribas, JM; Vallina,E et al. Acute Phase Reactants in Sepsis. Rev. Clin. Esp. 1992. Dec 191(9). P473-477.
  4. Wortel, CH; Van Deventer, SJ; Aarden, LA et al. Interleukin-6 mediates host defense responses induced by abdominal surgery. Surgery. 1993. Sep 114(3) P 564-570.
  5. Moller, H; Ohlsson, K; Linder,C et al. Cytokines and acute phase reactants during flare-up of contact allergy to gold. Am. J. Contact. Dermat. 1998 Mar. 9(1) P15-22.

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Rodriguez M., ; (1998). "Characterization Of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin In Orthopedics Postoperative Patients". Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/immunology/rodriguezmoreno0653/index.html
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