Invited Symposium: Integrated Telematic Services and Communication Through Scientific IRC: Virtual User Communities of Biomedicine in UNInet



AIDS and Computer-based Services

Internet and Drug Addiction Issues

Final Remarks



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AIDS, Drug Addiction and Internet

Cano, C. (University of Trento, Trento, Italy)
Legarza, JP (AIDS therapist, Madrid, Spain)
Fanton, C (Bridge Health Clinic, Vancouver, Canada)
Bouza, S (Avila, Spain)
Porres, L (University of South Carolina, USA)

Contact Person: Maria Jesus Coma (mjcoma@bio.hgy.es)


The Internet is rapidly expanding as an environment for electronic communication and resource sharing. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is associated, in high percentages, with drug addiction, sexual activity and social-familiar problems. This disease, which is the primary cause of mortality between teens, is many times associated with feelings of guilt and frustration. The Internet is an universal media which enables people to communicate anonymously and is particularly valuable to this group of patients. There is a frequent flow of patients or young individuals who join the channel #biomedicina in search of information or moral support. The network counts on the volunteer support of counselors, AIDS therapists and former addicts. The support and private counseling, due to its specific nature, is currently not quantifiable. The Internet has become a part of many people's daily environment and has the potential to provide information and support for men and women affected by HIV. UniNet is currently based on text-conference but we believe that further developments will render an invaluable service to these patients, facilitating information on sexually transmitted diseases, creating health promotion, AIDS prevention and education awareness of the society as a whole.

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Presentation Number SAcano0570
Keywords: AIDS therapists, Drug Addiction, Internet, Uninet, text-conference

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Cano, C.; Legarza, JP; Fanton, C; Bouza, S; Porres, L; (1998). AIDS, Drug Addiction and Internet. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Invited Symposium. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/coma/cano0570/index.html
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