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Insulinoma of Pancreas. Report one case Analysis clinical and ultrastructural.

Contact Person: Alberto G Pizarro (rediegal@homonet.com.mx)


She was programmed for surgery in the Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico La Raza, IMSS Mexico DF. For surgery study was received stomach duodeno and pancreas that measure 25x5 cm and furthermore the spleen Figure 2. Figure 2: The pancreas 5x4x3 cm with normal aspect. To the court is identified a nodule of 2 cm of color diameter greenish coffee, well delimited, without capsular apparent and that it does not communicate with the duct of Wirsung, well delimited; The rest was normal pancreas, The stomach duodeno and spleen (240 gr.) normal.

Clinical Diagnosis : Fasting hypoglycemia.
Macroscopic Features
Tumor of 1.5 cm. in the head of the pancreas,capsuled, without necrotic tissue figure 3, tags! figure 4. tags! No metastases.

Light Microscopy

The tumor was composed of uniform cells and small nuclei. The tumor cells were arranged in anastomosing cords with dense fibrous bands. There is degenerate material hyaline. There were not detected mitoses.

Figure 5: The grimelius stain revealed positive at argyrophil granules concentrated in cytoplasm.

Electron Microscopy

The characteristic features of the pancreatic tumor was the presence of large numbers of secretory granules. The granules were small and round, ranging from 100 um to 270 um.

figure 6: The granules showed round cores which varying in size and density, and separated from the limiting membrane by a narrow electron-lucent space.

Pathological Diagnosis: Insulinoma. Pancreatic Benign islet cell tumor.

Treatment: proximal pancreatectomy of 50 %. Evolutions: Died 3 years after by drivers accident.

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Pizarro, A; Díaz, R; (1998). Insulinoma of Pancreas. Report one case Analysis clinical and ultrastructural.. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/cancer/pizarro0149/index.html
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