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Materials & Methods


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Primary Care Doctor´s Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Generic Drugs in Malaga (Spain).

Contact Person: Antonio J. Garcia Ruiz (a_g_r@uma.es)


Estimate primary care doctor´s knowledge and attitudes towards generic drugs and their impact on pharmacological cost (figure 1).

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Materials and Methods

Desing: Observacional study. Subjects: 98 primary care doctor´s (confidence level: 95%, precision: 0.09) No-random sample. Variables: doctors knowledge and attitudes about generic drugs: self-administered questionnarie (15 question): generic drug notion according to european pattern; authorisation mechanism in our pharmacopea; commercialization characteristics; doctor-pharmacist relations; impact on pharmacological cost; Doctors variables (age, gender, working place, posgraduate education, task profile).

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Doctor´s variables:

56.1% Male; 84.7% Family doctors; 88.8% always use medical records. 92 doctors working in health centers; 85 work in urban areas.(figure 2)

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Questionnaire results:

Knowledge (5 questions): 80% doctors know the concept of generic drug and the commercialization characteristics; 50% showed disagreement with the authorisation mechanisms in our pharmacopea.

Attitudes (7 questions): 90% showed disagreement with the prescription sustitution by the pharmacist, except the existence of a sustitution catalogue supervised by doctors in the pharmacy (84.5% subjects).

Opinion about control of pharmacological cost (3 questions): 75% showed agreement; 77% thought that besides it gets an important saving for the patient.

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Discussion and Conclusion

Primary Care doctors showed a good level of knowledge about generic drugs and their adaptation to our Health Service.

They considered them a posible measure to control of pharmacological cost.

Their attitudes were unfavourable to the utilization of changes by others professionals in Primary Care.

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Martos Crespo, F; Garcia Ruiz, AJ; Leiva Fernandez, F; Prados Torres, JD; Montesinos Galvez, AC; Garcia Ruiz, MC; Sanchez de la Cuesta, F; (1998). Primary Care Doctor´s Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Generic Drugs in Malaga (Spain).. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/biomededu/martos_crespo0840/index.html
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