Refining Directions

For the past seven years, McMaster development has been guided by the Directions planning documents. The University has made tremendous advances during this time. In order to continue to clearly set our strategic development, a refinement of Directions was undertaken in the Fall of 2002.

The objectives were clear: to evaluate how McMaster had met the goals in the initial planning documents, and, more importantly, to construct a framework that would guide the University's course for the next five to ten years.

The first product of the Refining Directions exercise is now complete. Rooted in Directions, it provides a broad framework for meeting future challenges and seizing future opportunities. It sets out McMaster's mission, vision, highest level goals, and some critical success factors.

This framework will guide and inform more specific plans and strategies, some already in place and many yet to take shape.

We invite you to read the final report, and we encourage you to offer your feedback. This report is only the first step in the Refining Directions process.

Please note that printed copies of this document are no longer available.