The McMaster University
Crisis Response Plan


Executive Summary

The McMaster University Crisis Response Plan (short title - The University Crisis Plan) has been endorsed by the Board of Governors and is issued under the authority and signature of the President of McMaster University. As such, it is a University Policy Document. The plan is an "all hazards" mitigation approach to any potential crisis including major incidents occurring off campus which involve students, staff or faculty. The plan will coordinate all resources of the University in a systematic and appropriate response.

The aim of The University Crisis Plan is to serve as a guideline for developing and implementing an effective, efficient and timely response to any crisis affecting the University Community.

A "Crisis" may be defined as a situation, or the threat of an impending situation, which abnormally affects the lives, health, safety and property of the members of the University Community or which may be expected to adversely impact the operation, reputation or normal activities of the University.

The major components of The University Crisis Plan include:

  • The Crisis Management Group (CMG), responsible for overall decision making and response planning
  • The Advisory & Support Team (A&S Team), responsible for advising and implementing the decisions of the Crisis Management Group, and
  • The Crisis Operations Room (COR), a focal point for planning and coordinating mitigation activities and direction.


The University Crisis Plan also contains annexes outlining Crisis Notification Procedures, The Crisis Operations Room, Public Relations in a Crisis, Telecommunications & Computer Support and University Evacuation Procedures. Each annex is an independent procedural guide but remains an integral part of The University Crisis Plan. Additional annexes may be developed as required.

The University Crisis Plan is a University policy document which will govern the future development and implementation of subordinate departmental crisis plans as recommended by the Chair of the Crisis Management Group. All subsequent plans must be consistent with the overall organization and direction of the primary University plan. To this end, as each departmental crisis plan is developed, it will be submitted to the Crisis Management Group for approval before being promulgated as part of the University crisis response procedures.

While The University Crisis Plan has been developed for use by and for the University, it is available as an adjunct emergency resource to the City of Hamilton and the neighbouring municipalities, on a reciprocal basis. It is anticipated that The University Crisis Plan will operate in support of any municipal emergency plan when both plans are simultaneously in effect.



Crisis Response Plan