Appendix C

    March 25, 1996

    In response to a proposal tabled by the McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA) at the Joint Committee, it was agreed that there should be a ballot on a motion regarding the funding of MUFA.  MUFA argued that the collective bargaining and dispute resolution process at McMaster has become more complex and that this has increased the cost of representing faculty in salary, benefit, pension, grievance and other matters.  MUFA represents all faculty in its negotiations with the administration regarding salary and benefits and conditions of employment.  However, the costs are borne by the two-thirds of faculty on the CP/M scheme who currently pay MUFA dues.  As a result, a small but significant minority of faculty make no contribution to MUFA.  If accepted by a majority of those voting, the motion would make payment of MUFA dues a condition of employment at McMaster.  Within the post-secondary education sector, similar arrangments are in place at the University of British Columbia and the Ontario College of Art.

    For those faculty who object to membership in MUFA, the motion does provide an option to direct whatever sum MUFA establishes as its annual dues to a recipient other than MUFA.  This recipient is to be agreed upon from time to time by the Joint Committee.  It is the current intention of the Joint Committee to identify a recipient or recipients within the McMaster community.  Possible recipients under discussion include a scholarship fund or an endowment fund which will benefit the McMaster community as a whole.  The recipients will be selected in such a way that there will be no direct benefit to a faculty member choosing this option.

Henry Jacek
McMaster Faculty Association
Emoke J. E. Szathmary
Provost and VP (Academic)

Memorandum of Agreement
regarding Funding of the McMaster FAculty Association

    In light of the increasing costs incurred by the McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA) in representing McMaster faculty in salary and other matters, it is agreed that:

    1.1  A ballot will be conducted prior to July 1, 1996, of all members of the CP/M scheme regarding payment of MUFA dues.  MUFA will administer this ballot using procedures analogous to those agreed upon for ratifying salary agreements (which includes using an auditing firm as returning officer).  The ballot shall be accompanied by a covering letter from the Joint Committee.  The motion shall carry by a simple majority.  The costs of this ballot will be equally borne by MUFA and the administration.

    1.2  The administration shall provide a list, on or before April 1, 1996, of all faculty currently on the CP/M list.  The administration and MUFA shall each agree that the supplied list is the appropriate list.

    1.3  Faculty members on the CP/M scheme will be asked to respond to the following proposition:

        The University shall make it a condition of employment of faculty on the CP/M scheme that each member shall pay to the McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA), an amount equal to the membership dues in MUFA, fixed annually in accordance with its constitution.  In cases where an individual objects to being a member of MUFA, an equivalent amount shall be contributed to a recipient or recipients agreed upon from time to time by the Joint Committee.

        I AGREE___________________________________     I DISAGREE__________________________________________

    1.4  If this proposition is endorsed by a majority of those voting, the necessary procedures shall be formalized by the Joint Committee in a memorandum using the University of British Columbia Framework Agreement language as a possible model.  This memorandum will cover the mechanisms by which faculty can redirect their dues to a recipient other than MUFA.  This procedure shall be in place by July 1, 1996.i

Henry Jacek
McMaster Faculty Association
Emoke J. E. Szathmary
Provost and VP (Academic)