Terms of Material Usage in Avenue to Learn

The University maintains the Avenue to Learn system for the purposes of education, research, private study, criticism or review. The University does not authorize you to use Avenue to Learn in any way which contravenes copyright law. You may only use the system for the purpose of education, research, private study, criticism and review and your use must be fair. You must not use the system for any other purposes and in no circumstances should you modify or distribute the contents of Avenue to Learn. To request use of the contents of of the system beyond these limits, please contact the copyright owner as indicated below.

I represent to the Centre for Leadership in Learning (CLL) and McMaster University that I have the right to use in Avenue to Learn any material I have provided (or will provide), and I shall indemnify CLL and McMaster University from any damages that may arise to them if this representation is incorrect in any respect.

...In other words, you are letting us know that you have permission to use any copyrighted material that you provide or will provide in Avenue to Learn. If you do not have permission to use the material, and if any damages are incurred because of this, you will be responsible for the damage.