Invited Symposium: Integrated Telematic Services and Communication Through Scientific IRC: Virtual User Communities of Biomedicine in UNInet



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Confidentiality of Clinical Information using IRC and other Resources

Chaponick, N. (Asociación de Abogados de Buenos Aires, Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal, Argentina)
Gimenez, M. (Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal, Argentina)
Iriarte Ahon, E. (Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru)
de la Puerta Marcos, B. (R&D, Department TELION SA, ARP Society, Spain)
Corrales, C. (Salamanca, Spain)

Contact Person: Nora Chaponick (norach@is.com.ar)


During the 90's we have witnessed an explosion in the usage of telecommunication services. Today, Internet has detonated a true revolution. Every day, new applications are invented, and some of them are critical or involve sensitive information. But, are we jumping without a safety network? We hear of medical usages for Internet, telemedicine, availability of medical records, etc. However, today we are not ready to take that step. First, law in different countries are quite different, and we must not forget that geographic distances or political borders don't matter in Internet. Moreover, necessary law ammendings should not decrease the patients' privacy rights. On the other hand, Internet does not offer the reliability to support mission-critical applications. It is mandatory to define technical standards to guarantee information security adequately. In the case of medical information, it is not only necessary to ensure the privacy, but also to verify the information integrity and being able to authenticate the sources of information. Internet, being today a network in which ease of communication is more important than security and reliability, is not ready to take this challenge.

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Presentation Number SAchaponick0315
Keywords: Telemedicine, Security Networks, Privacy, Legislation

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Chaponick, N.; Gimenez, M.; Iriarte Ahon, E.; de la Puerta Marcos, B.; Corrales, C.; (1998). Confidentiality of Clinical Information using IRC and other Resources. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Invited Symposium. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/coma/chaponick0315/index.html
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